One & Done 2023

TBS PTO  – Please stay tuned for more details about our 2023-24 One & Done Fundraiser

The TBS PTO strives to support teachers and students by enriching instruction with activities and extracurricular opportunities. We invite you to join us in fulfilling our mission. PTO involvement can take many forms: providing financial support, attending virtual PTO meetings, and/or volunteering to help on one of our committees.

In terms of financial support, the TBS PTO will soon be launching its annual One and Done Fundraising Campaign. This fundraiser provides TBS families an opportunity to make a one-time donation to the PTO and cross it off your list!

Donations support programs such as the TBS musical, Yearbook Club, Book Fair, Roaring Brook Nature Center, Battle of the Books, and author visits. School and community projects have included parent speakers, grounds and garden beautification, and teacher appreciation events. The PTO also coordinates after school student activities and end of year social events. Students with financial need may also be supported by PTO funds to allow all students to participate in school events and programs.

A suggested donation of $50 per student is encouraged for families that are able, but any amount that you can give will be put to good use. If your family has the ability to contribute, please remember that all money collected goes directly back to the school. We also understand that things may still not be completely back to normal and there will be families that will not be in a position to contribute. Keep in mind, many companies have a non-profit matching program and as an approved 501c3 organization, we are qualified to accept these matching donations.

Stay tuned for more information about our 2023-24 school year campaign!